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Mobile Abattoirs & Factories

Farm based agro-processing units for enhanced value and significant food waste reduction.

1 hSloane Street

Service Description

The food and agro-processing industries in South Africa are under increasing pressure to provide consumers with high-quality food products that offer value for money. However, the limited number of food processing facilities that meet the necessary standards presents a major obstacle for both large and small producers looking to enter new markets. Additionally, the transportation of animals to abattoirs causes stress and can result in a decline in food quality and increased waste during transit to various processing sites. These factors, combined with the rising costs of transportation, create significant challenges for farmers who are striving to grow their operations and maximize their profits. We've been working hard to revolutionize the industry with our innovative Mobile abattoirs and factories. Our goal is to transform the way food processing facilities are designed and operated. These state-of-the-art units are equipped with modern technologies that maximize space and efficiency. They are specifically designed to meet the highest hygiene standards, including international HACCP standards. Setting up these portable units is a breeze with their simple plug and play nature. We believe that our Mobile Abattoirs and Processing units are game changers in the agro-processing sector, and they are here to revolutionize the industry. Under this business unit we cover all aspects to ensure farmers and food value chain partners are able to bring processing closer to the farm for enhanced value and significant food waste reduction. Chat to one of our consultants about our turn-key, mobile food processing solutions: ➢ MOBILE RED MEAT & POULTRY ABATTOIRS ➢ AGRO-PROCESSING CONSULTING ➢ ON-FARM PROCESSING SOLUTIONS ➢ MOBILE EXTRACTION, DISTILLATION & COLD PRESSING FOOD PROCESSING SYSTEMS ➢ POST-HARVEST LOSS REDUCTION

Contact Details

  • 22 Sloane Street, Bryanston, Sandton, South Africa

    +27 76 064 4558

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